• Listen, encourage, and build relationships with high school students

  • Continue to grow in their own personal relationship with Jesus

  • Be a part of a core team community


  • Be present each Sunday for 4:30pm team prayer, 5pm Mass, and 6-8pm Lifenight

  • Plan and/or implement a Life Nights every 6-8 weeks as part of a planning team

  • Attend monthly core team meetings with the youth ministers and team for training and prayer

  • Personal Relationships – connect with teens outside of Sunday nights


We also ask that you lead a life that reflects an importance placed on the following:

Prayer – engaging in an active prayer life infuses our personal life and is critical in our ministry

Risk – in time, faith, personal comfort zones – “being willing to let God get His hands on my life”

Creativity and Flexibility – asking for it from the Life Teen Ministry and being open to it personally

Catholic/Christian Faith – as servants who are role models for our teens, it is essential that how we live, act struggle and grow reflects a commitment to the teachings of our church

Accountability – to staying personally on fire, committed to serving and holding others on our team accountable