2018 Holy Trinity Summer Trips
This Code of Conduct applies during the entire trip: while in transit to and from Covecrest Camp in Tiger, GA &/or Urban Immersion with Jerusalem Farm in Kansas City, MO, at the Mission House and all locations during the entirety of the trip, and while participating in any activity associated with the trip.
It is expected that all participants in this trip will attend scheduled sessions as required and be present in appropriate places following the evening sessions.
Participants may not leave the church/mission/facility at any time without an adult chaperone. Roaming off the grounds will not be permitted at any time during the trip.
Evening “check in” and “lights out” times will be established and participant cooperation is required. An atmosphere of quiet and respect is expected following “lights out”.
It is expected that participants will follow the direction of all chaperones, staff, security and volunteers. Any instance of lack of cooperation or violation of any of the trip rules may be subject to appropriate discipline and/or dismissal from the trip. We consent to searches of our persons, rooms and baggage and other effects by the Trip Leaders and Youth Ministers for the purpose of ensuring safety and compliance with this Code of Conduct.
Participants are expected to dress in a fashion that represents modesty and good taste throughout the trip. No clothing with inappropriate language or graphics will be allowed. Undergarments may not be showing at any time. Steubenville dress code must be respected at all times.
Participants are asked to use positive, up building speech; foul and abusive language will not be permitted.
Possession and/or consumption of alcohol or illicit drugs are prohibited.
Possession of firearms or weapons of any kind are prohibited.
Smoking, including vaping will not be permitted at any time during the trip.
Piercing or tattooing of self or others will not be permitted.
Participants are not permitted in the sleeping areas of the opposite gender at any time, for any reason during the trip.
All items with photo/video capability will be checked in/out and ONLY allowed during day-time and group events. They will NOT be allowed in cabins. Devices, other than cell phones, with wifi capabilities are prohibited.
Participants are allowed to bring cell phones on the trip ONLY for calling home to parents; cell phones will be checked-in with trip leadership upon arrival and limited daily use times will be scheduled; USE OF PHONES OTHER THAN CALLING HOME TO PARENTS IS NOT PERMITTED. HT is not responsible for international fees. If necessary, chaperones phones will be available for use while in Canada.
We understand and agree to abide by all the rules outlined in this code of conduct. We also understand that failure to abide by these rules will result in dismissal from the trip and that transportation home will be at our own expense.