Our Jhigh ministry hosts two weekend retreats each year, one in the spring (Luke 18) and one in the fall (Timothy 4).  Working with the Jhigh youth minister and possibly 1-2 others, the retreat coordinator helps with the organization and management of most administrative tasks associated with making these events happen. Contact Kris if interested!


OTHER ways parents can help

Sleep houses

  • Volunteer to have a group of 4-5 kids (of same gender) sleep at your house on Friday and Saturday night (August 25 and 26) and 2 high school junior/senior "chaperones"

  • No need to provide any meals - the kids just sleep and shower

  • At least one adult in the house must be VIRTUS trained


  • Drive the groups to and from the sleep houses Friday/Saturday nights and Saturday/Sunday mornings


  • Help make and/or serve one of the 5 meals we serve at the Quigley during the weekend on Saturday and Sunday