Our Jhigh ministry hosts two weekend retreats each year, one in the spring (Luke 18) and one in the fall (Timothy 4). Working with the Jhigh youth minister and possibly 1-2 others, the retreat coordinator helps with the organization and management of most administrative tasks associated with making these events happen. Contact Kris if interested!
OTHER ways parents can help
Sleep houses
Volunteer to have a group of 4-5 kids (of same gender) sleep at your house on Friday and Saturday night (August 25 and 26) and 2 high school junior/senior "chaperones"
No need to provide any meals - the kids just sleep and shower
At least one adult in the house must be VIRTUS trained
Drive the groups to and from the sleep houses Friday/Saturday nights and Saturday/Sunday mornings
Help make and/or serve one of the 5 meals we serve at the Quigley during the weekend on Saturday and Sunday