a brand new adventure.

Join us as we roadtrip through Saint Louis, Chicago, and Niagara Falls to reach our final destination:  Steubenville Youth Conference in Oshawa, Ontario, Canada.

july 10-17, 2018



what is a steubenville conference?

A Steubenville Conference is a weekend of prayer, praise, and reflection.  Each conference brings together several thousand high school students and volunteers, with the goal of providing opportunities to encounter Christ in the Eucharist.  We'll be listening to some of the best speakers in North America, going to Mass, confession, and Adoration, gathering for meals, participating in break-out sessions and small groups, enjoying music led by nationally renowned bands  and so much more!

what else will we be doing?

In addition to everything the Steubenville Conference has to offer, we will be touring and enjoying various attractions and outdoor adventure opportunities in Saint Louis and Chicago, as well as taking a boat tour at Niagara Falls!

how much does it cost?

$499 for Holy Trinity parishioners
$699 for non-Holy Trinity parishioners

This includes all but one meal, transportation, housing and conference fees. This does not include one meal on the way home and any souvenirs your child may want from the conference, stops, etc.  We are able to offer scholarships to help cover the cost, so feel free to contact us if you are interested.

where will we be staying?

At the Conference, we will be housed in gender separated college dorm rooms.  While traveling to and from the conference, we will be staying at churches and schools (in Saint Louis, Niagara, and Chicago), as we have done on all previous summer trips. Each place we stay will have separate quarters for males and females.