holy trinity youth ministry
Holy Trinity has a long-standing tradition of supporting youth ministry. For almost 18 years, the 5pm Sunday LifeTeen Mass has been the start of Holy Trinity’s Sunday Youth Ministry. Following the 5pm Mass we go right into dinner and high school and junior high ministry (jhigh runs October-April). Our youth ministers believe in relational ministry. Pastor and parishioner support is significant. Space, time and budget are appropriately allocated for youth ministry, which allows youth ministry to flourish. Through some transition in the last few years, we are excited to add a member of our team who is ready to dive fully into our student’s lives and parish life!
Mari, our previous Youth Minister, is leaving after being at HT for 1.5 years. She is excited to see where the Lord leads her next. Please join us in praying for our new Youth Minister, that they can be a person of great joy and confidence in our Lord. Our newest hire will be joining a team of 2 others, Mac our Coordinator of Youth Minister and Noah, our Music Minister.
This position opened up in the Spring of 2021. As a hiring committee, we were able to read many qualified candidates resumes and cover letters and met some of them over zoom. However, we didn’t find the right fit for our ministry. When we hire someone new, we ask ourselves the question, “what do our students and our parish need at this time?” We were not able to find someone to fill this gap, so we paused our hiring and are re-starting now. We are excited for the newest member of our team!
To apply, email your resume and cover letter to our Coordinator of Youth Ministry, Mac Neal at mneal@htlenexa.org
Job description
A full-time position of leadership with our Life Teen Youth Ministry charged with assisting in the development, implementation and adapting our year-round ministry targeting High School & Jr. High students. Using the Life Teen model, the Youth Minister works in collaboration with the Coordinator of Youth Ministry, parish staff, parents and volunteers to accomplish this vision. This position will serve in both junior high ministry and high school, but will take leadership with ONE under supervision of the Coordinator of Youth Ministry. In the past few years the youth minister ran our Junior High ministry and collaborated with Lifeteen. We are open to see the skill set of candidates and allow them to work in finding the best fit.
Specific responsibilities will include leading the planning and implementation of weekly Life Nights or Jhigh Ministry sessions; leading Core meetings; participating in weekly staff meetings; coordinating special events; weekly coordination of liturgical ministries; volunteer organization, training and growth; relational ministry with students, volunteers and parents; developing an outreach ministry to parents; and adapting ministry activities to meet the changing needs of students and their families.
Holy Trinity has a long-standing tradition of supporting youth ministry. For 18 years, the 5pm Sunday LifeTeen Mass has been the start of our Sunday youth ministry evenings. Pastor and parishioner support is significant. Space, time and budget are appropriately allocated for youth ministry, which allows youth ministry to flourish.
Administrative – assist with and manage organization & communication needs of ministry
o Recruit and organize adult volunteers to assist in implementing activities and overall vision of youth ministry including a Core Team, Jhigh leaders and Dry Bones Society leaders
o Assist in communication of youth ministry activities to include bulletin, email, web, mailing, social media, etc.
o Assist the Coordinator of Youth Ministry in preparing and maintaining a budget
o Assist in maintaining accurate records of volunteers and youth ministry activities as required by the Archdiocese
o Assist in coordinating conferences, retreats, special events and mission opportunities for students
o Attend weekly staff meetings and special committees as necessary
Additional Areas
o Personal Growth – maintain consistent spiritual direction, regular prayer, reading and reflection
o Professional Opportunities – remain open to lead/speak about ministry & spirituality to broader community, local or national, as allowed by parish commitments and with discernment of our Pastor
o Professional Development – participate in professional development and continuing education
Catechetical – plan & implement curriculum; develop/evaluate catechetical material
o Develop curriculum, plan for Life Nights/Jhigh sessions & lead implementation
o Lead weekly chapter meetings for Dry Bones Society (small group)
o Organize and facilitate volunteers for Dry Bones Society – provide content when necessary
o Plan and help lead bi-annual volunteer retreat/training days
o Assist in planning and help lead XLT events when planned
o Plan and lead Core volunteer meetings
o Assist in training and recruitment of all liturgical ministries associated with the weekly Life Teen Mass
o Help plan and lead high school student retreats, summer conferences, Jr. High retreats, etc.
o Lead weekly liturgy planning meeting if needed
Pastoral – build healthy relationships with teens, parents and adults in community through active listening
o Challenge youth and be an authentic Catholic Christian witness within the context of relational ministry
o Coordinate leadership development opportunities for students
o Act as a student advocate, formally and informally, with the adult community
o Be a resource for students and parents of students in areas of spiritual formation, adolescent development & crisis intervention (serve as a resource and/or identify appropriate resources)
o Understand the cultural and social trends of students
o Develop and sustain relationships with Archdiocesan Youth Office and area Youth Ministers – maintain awareness or programs, resources and guidelines
In the past year our parish has taken a conservative approach to addressing the ever changing Covid situation. We are proud to be running in person youth ministry since the beginning of June while keeping everyone safe. While many things have changed, our Lifenights and Jhigh ministries continue to be open. We continue to host events and we are excited for a ‘full’ summer of activities including our BIG trip to Covecrest, local urban immersion trip and only fundraiser! Things look a bit different but our commitment to our parishioners remains!